Welcome to Our Online Payment Site - No Transaction Fees!
ASB fees, Sport fees, Test fees, Donations, Fines, etc.
Please remember to apply for Free and Reduced Meals and the Fee Waiver Program through Nutrition Services prior to paying fees. Fees paid prior to becoming active in the Fee Waiver Program are non-refundable. If your student was directly certified you must return the Consent to Share form that was sent with the eligibility letter to opt in to the Fee Waiver Program.
Create your Family Account User Name by clicking Set Password in the 1st Time Parents section below
Signing in with your Family Account User Name will enable you to make payments and access fee/fine records for all students in your family
User Name: Student ID number (e.g., 01234567)
Password: Student last name starting with uppercase letter (e.g., Smith)
1st Time Parents
Set your password to create an account.
Username: Your ParentVUE email
Password: Set Password
It may take up to 24 hours after registering with the district before being able to log in here.
1st Time Guests
A guest account allows you to make purchases unassociated with a
parent/student account.
Do not use a guest account if you have a student in BSD.
Create Account
Forgot Username or Password?
Click here for the Parent's Getting Started Guide
Need help? Contact posalerts@bsd405.org
To make a quick donation please go to Online Donation Site
Do you need to add money to your lunch account? Click Here or call Nutrition Services at 425-456-4507
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